India Education Collaborative
The story behind uniting changemakers from across the country to create lasting impact
It was in May 2020, when the pandemic had brought the entire world to a standstill. The lockdown in India had cut off almost all the connections the government had with children in the country, including the learning touchpoint – the state run schools. However, there were some anomalies.
Let me draw your attention to one state in India – Punjab. While grappling to cater to the medical needs of the people of the state, the Punjab state government was still able to get over 7500 teachers connected with over two million parents in a matter of just three days to enable learning for children at home. Teachers made parents as co-partners to ensure continuous learning at home.
Bringing the community together on the journey towards continued learning helped all stakeholders. Parents felt heard. Teachers became aware of challenges faced by parents and children and thus, prepared learning solutions accordingly. Teachers, thus made parents partners to ensure continuous learning at home. The government was able to access data to devise further engagement and learning strategies.
What did Punjab do differently that helped thousands of children in the state?
Hence, InvokED 2023 became a perfect opportunity and the moment to launch the Indian Education Collaborative. Catalyst 2030 and its member organisations like ShikshaLokam, Dream a Dream, Breakthrough, Mantra4Change, Study Hall Educational Foundation and others came together to formally launch IEC. It was a sight to behold to see 50+ organisations light the lamp to mark their commitment to collective action.
Like Mahatma Gandhi aptly said “All good thoughts and ideas mean nothing without action”, the IEC took up its first initiative by organising a Brain Date during InvokED 2023 itself.
IEC member organisations orchestrated dialogue spaces with the education ecosystem to discuss and identify the next steps towards the G20 education themes and outcomes .
Along with the participants, the host organisations collated the recommendations in form of a white paper aligned to the G20 Education Priorities, now submitted to the G20 Committee.
The complexity of the education inequity challenge warrants all hands on deck. We envision this collaboration to power the ability to inform public policy, develop and disseminate knowledge, mobilise funding, conduct R&D, and implement programs. India needs increased multilateral collaboration with governments, market players, high net worth individuals, philanthropic organisations, and investment partners.The cumulative impact of multiple stakeholders coming together will be immense, visible through the enhanced student outcomes across the country.
In case you would like to join the Collaborative and contribute in driving systemic education change, write to me at
Meet the Author
Priyanka K Mohan
Priyanka K Mohan is an education enthusiast on a mission to tap into the potential of every child. Since 2022, she has been driving ecosystem development initiatives at ShikshaLokam. With a diverse background in organisations like Wipro, Teach for India, and Wells Fargo, Priyanka brings a wealth of experience. She is also the founder of Yakshadegula, where she combines her passions for education and performing arts. As an accomplished artist, Priyanka strives to make Indian performing arts accessible to all. Her infectious enthusiasm and dedication make her an invaluable asset to the education sector, shaping the future and empowering young minds along the way.
Priyanka K Mohan
Priyanka K Mohan is an education enthusiast on a mission to tap into the potential of every child. Since 2022, she has been driving ecosystem development initiatives at ShikshaLokam. With a diverse background in organisations like Wipro, Teach for India, and Wells Fargo, Priyanka brings a wealth of experience. She is also the founder of Yakshadegula, where she combines her passions for education and performing arts. As an accomplished artist, Priyanka strives to make Indian performing arts accessible to all. Her infectious enthusiasm and dedication make her an invaluable asset to the education sector, shaping the future and empowering young minds along the way.