
School Leadership Development Program

State-level intervention focusing on School Leadership
Development of 1.7 lakh School Leaders

School Development Index

Assessment of 5000 schools on school security, teaching and
learning and parental involvement

District Transformation Program

District Education Transformation Program in partnership with DIET
focusing on instructional and system leadership development in Tumkur

Instructional Leadership Development Program

State-level intervention focusing on instructional leadership
development and structural strengthening in collaboration
with the Department of School Education, Punjab

Strengthening DIETs

State-level intervention focusing on improving foundational literacy and
numeracy by strengthening training institutions under the
Directorate of Research and Training (DRT) in Bihar

School Improvement Program

State level intervention that focussed on micro-improvements
across 800+ schools

School Leadership Development Program

Program conceptualised for the Union Territory to improve student
outcomes through continuous professional development of
school leaders,teachers, BRTEs and Inspection Officers

Continuous Development Program

Program conceptualised with DSME towards continuous professional
development of school leaders, teachers and district officials
towards improving education quality in Odisha state

Continuous Learning Enhancement Program (CLEP)

State- Level program that strived to improve the quality of classroom
instructions on english pedagogy through continuous professional
development of over 1 lakh teachers

School Leadership Development Program

School Leadership Development program towards improving schools
under the Andhra Pradesh Social Welfare Residential
Educational Institutions Society